The decision for life beyond high school graduation can be daunting. Many people decide to continue their educational endeavors by going to college. However, Several factors should be considered when selecting the right college:

  • The institution's location and proximity to home. Courageous students may prefer to spread their wings and go out of state. 

  • Weather conditions. Will you be okay living and traveling with snow and ice during winter? Do you prefer a warmer climate? 

  • Academic quality. What schools offer the programs and majors that will lead to your academic success? 

  • School size. Will you be comfortable in a classroom with hundreds of students? Do you prefer small class sizes? How large is the campus?

  • Resources and support systems. What are your individual needs to ensure success? Do you need accommodations for testing? Do you need access to counseling supports? How involved are the advisors?

Do your research and set up in-state and out-of-state college visits. Below is a list of pros and cons:

The advantages of choosing an in-state college: 

  • Tuition is lower. 

  • Students can take advantage of in-state scholarships and financial aid. 

  • The commute is less expensive. Students can save money by commuting to campus from home.

  • Students remain closer to their home. Family members are nearby if you become homesick or encounter problems. 

  • Students may recognize familiar faces from high school and the community. 

The disadvantages of choosing an in-state college : 

  • There is a limited number of higher education institutions to choose from. 

  • Students may not gain the experience of traveling outside of their comfort zone. 

  • The selection of in-state colleges may not offer as many specialized majors.  

The advantages of choosing an out-of-state college : 

  • Students who move out of state often become more independent. 

  • Students may become adventurous and take advantage of the opportunity to travel. 

  • Out-of-state students get to explore and learn about a new community. 

  • The number of higher education institutions is larger. 

  • The selection of specialized majors is larger. 

The disadvantages of choosing an out-of-state college : 

  • The cost of tuition is higher. 

  • Students do not qualify for in-state scholarships or state grants. 

  • Out-of-state students spend additional funds and time on travel expenses during holidays and family visits. 

  • If you experience homesickness, it may be difficult to return home. 

Whether you choose the in-state or out-of-state college experience, you will be successful! College is the beginning of a new chapter in your life. You will make your own decisions in addition to becoming a more mature young adult. No matter what you choose to do, you must apply yourself, work hard, make new friends, get involved in school activities, and help the community.

Always remember that “change is a good thing.” Staying at your first school choice, transferring schools, staying close to home, or going far away from home, you will gain more knowledge and self-confidence through your college experience. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and reach out for support. You are our future!

Good luck with your college decision.

Written by Yvette Loving


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